Adelaidean here. Feel free to add me.
Casual runner on Endomondo. Feel free to add me. jeffs letterbox at gmail dotty com
Food is the primary driver. You can't out exercise a bad diet. There will be calorie friendly foods you enjoy. If you don't know them, learn them. Exercise wise, make it fun. Whatever physical activities you like doing or previously liked doing, rekindle the fire and throw some lighter fluid on it. Nothing will motivate…
Does Humanism count as an "alternative" religion? By humanism I mean the innate humane morality that exists within us all. Every chemically balanced human knows to do violence unto a newborn child is wrong. We don't need a book, tablet or guru to tell us. You just know as a child, teen or adult, that it is wrong. This is…
Good luck. Remember the old saying, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.". Well you just started yours :)