

  • I'm all into the simple, non-processed, real foods, so I just grab whatever fruit that's in the fridge, cut them into pieces, sometimes I make a fruit salad with natural fats like flax seeds or nuts, sometimes when I'm low on fruit I just add a bit of cereal. None the less it's always easy, quick, healthy and super fresh!
  • When you lift weights you build muscle, and that will slowly raise your metabolism - but it's a veeery slow process. To get of the fat so you can actually see the muscles you need serious cardio training, which can be anything from just a simple run (outside, on a treadmill, anything!), cycling, anything that gets your…
  • That is SO true! Great advice, and good luck with it! Just a little site note: Remember never to over-train, especially not in the beginning. It might just hurt your muscles more than it helps. They need a little time to rebuild in strength, so if you run like me you need at least one day in between each long run, at least…
  • I kindda fear that my newest obsession - running - has something to do with it. It' seems that no matter how good a sports-bra I get, they just keep bouncing, and that might be a part of it too... But is there really nothing we can do?! I've bought nice new bras, hoping that it'll give them some of the right shape when the…
  • I'm in! (except for the doubling of exercises, I ran extra much yesterday cause I know I wont have the time for it this weekend) I'm going for a night of roleplaying with the guys - you can BET there will be tons of snacks. My biggest challenge will be not to dive into that mountain of tasty sin! TRIBBLE willpower!!! We…
  • For all of us who have no idea of what you're talking about, what exactly IS shadow boxing? And I may be oldschool, but I can't help thinking crunches. It may not be a whole body workout, but as supply I think it's great at getting that tummy in shape. Good luck with it!