

  • I am coming up on my year birthday on MFP. I haven't lost as much as you have though. I have lost 67 lbs and I have about 50 more to go. You before and after pics are very inspiring and encouraging to me. CONGRATS! I know I have so much more energy and just feel healthier all around. I can't wait to post my before and…
  • I usually keep sugar free chocolate pudding cups on hand. They are about 60 calories per pudding cup. Takes away the chocolate craving without totally ruining the diet. And every once in a while I indulge in the "real thing". :)
  • I was a fountain coke addict as well. (Not diet....ewwwww!) I swear McDonald's put something in them to make me crave them!! But I haven't had one since January when I started MFP. All I can say is I just quit drinking them all together. I don't even have one as a "treat" for myself because I know if I have one I won't be…