radiance526 Member


  • You can add me! I am 27 and I have 3 kids and I am also married. Support is always good to have!
  • Hello! i have been on mfp for a while but I am now reaching out for support. It is hard to lose weight alone when you feel alone in your struggle. I am a busy stay home mom of a 4 year old boy and of 2 year old boy/girl twins. It has been hard for me after my twins to lose the weight. Very hard. life is busy and my fitness…
  • Awesome! Way to go! This is encouraging to me! I did not have a c-section but i carried twins for over 38 weeks and it was rough on me.I gained 75pounds- I got huge with them!. I have been working so hard to get in shape. and ya know- it is slow but it is coming along. It can be done. Thank you for posting. I hope I can…
  • It is not a verse but in my quest to be fit and eat healthier i remember the boys in Daniel. they refused the king's food and requested fruit and vegetables. they were heailthier than the other boys their age. if they can do it, so can I! This also helps me to explain what I am doing to others around me. Eating well it is…
  • Hello! I am 27 and a stay at home mom of three. A 4 year old boy and two year old boy/girl twins. I have been married for 7 years now to my amazing husband. I am newish to the groups on mfp but i find that i enjoy having the support of others as we try to reach fitness goals. I am a Christian and I am here to find support…
    in Hi! :) Comment by radiance526 June 2014