

  • I don't know if you saw, but I don't log everything into my diary. I eat plenty of veggies and fruits everyday and I do eat lunch everyday. I'm just not the best about logging my foods.
  • I'm really trying! Thank you!
  • The things is that I'm not really just starting out, I'm actually about a year into trying to lose weight. I've lost 11 lbs so far, this is just my second week of the insanity workouts lol. Some days I feel pretty lean and some days I just feel like a fat blob. I'll definitely try the bath with Epsom salts! I really just…
  • I'll definitely add you! It's rare to find someone with such similar stats lol. But i really think that's what it comes down to, I just need to get better with planning meals. Thank you for your help!
  • That's a good idea, I'll get a scale. I hadn't thought about that. And yes I calcutate all of the toppings and everything on the sandwhich and make a custom food for it pretty much each time I go.
  • I just opened my diary, but not everything that I've eaten in the last 5 days was logged. I was eating pretty badly and I didn't log a lot of it, so don't think Ive been eating less than 1000 calories a day, it's just not all there. Thanks for your help I'm currently 5'1" at 130 lbs
  • I just opened my diary, but not everything that I've eaten in the last 5 days was logged. I was eating pretty badly and I didn't log a lot of it, so don't think Ive been eating less than 1000 calories a day, it's just not all there. Thanks for your help
  • I just opened my diary, but not everything that I've eaten in the last 5 days was logged. I was eating pretty badly and I didn't log a lot of it, so don't think Ive been eating less than 1000 calories a day, it's just not all there. Thanks for your help
  • Thanks dolls!!
  • Awesome! Thanks doll