

  • Hi girls! Hope everyone has a good week so far! This week has been tons of fun...but in the process I fell off the wagon for a couple of days :( OH well I am back today! I just got done with my workout and I even did some really fun slim down yoga. I am getting ready to try my hand at some clean eating homemade bread...I…
  • Good afternoon ladies!!! Well I made it out alive this morning! I woke up at 5 am with the hubby and got my workout in. It kicked my butt, but I am really glad I did it! I am going to finish the 6 week challenge on this dvd and then maybe try out this p90x stuff. You girls that run miles and miles, do p90x, and workout…
  • HAPPY SUNDAY!!! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! OMG these dogs are driving me nuts today. They are so loud jumping around and wrestling. If feel horrible bc we live in an apartment complex on post and I am sure our neighbors hate us! Between my wild 17 month old who loves to ride his wheely bug into the…
  • Hello ladies we made it to FRIDAY!!! Oh I just want everyone to know you have to read Friday the way Oprah would say it.....FFFRRRIIIIIDDDDAAAYYYY!!! LOL! It is a lot more fun this way. My goal for the day is to keep the scale put up until weigh in on Sunday. It drives me crazy, because every time I go upstairs I have to…
  • We made it...IT'S WEDNESDAY!!! It has to be all downhill from here right? I do believe my little boy has hit terrible 2s! OMG...I know my sweet little boy is in that screaming child somewhere :) Things have been a little crazier around here then normal the past couple of weeks, and it finally broke me yesterday! I probably…
  • If it is still on everywhere else check out the Dr. Oz show today ladies! Great tips and advice about weight loss and dieting!
  • I figured I would take a break from the day and see what everyone else is up to today. I have had a very productive day. I LOVE when I have a very productive day! I got most of my house back in order from the weekend. It still amazes me what a mess my little boy and dogs can make in two days...and my husband! It looks like…
  • I did my weigh in this morning and I lost 3.4 lbs! I LOVE when the scale is my friend :) But anyways my progress tracker thingy said I have only lost 1 lb...can anyone explain to me how it works? I have felt so dang lazy this weekend. My back went out on me (AGAIN) so I spent the whole weekend with my three best…
  • Hi ladies and thank you so much for the nice welcome! You all seem really nice! I am 23, a stay at home mom of a 17 month old, and an army wife. We are currently stationed in Alaska. We also have 2 german shepherds...they are just like our kidos :) My weight goals are to lose my BABY WEIGHT! I would like to be back down to…
  • Hi ladies! I am new to MFP....just joined a few days ago. I was wondering if I could join the group?