I had to go and get fitted for a new bra just after Christmas a year ago because my current one was too small. When I told the fitting lady this, she laughed, 'You've eaten all the pies then, haven't you!' Felt really awkward with her fitting me after that. Also, a Greek friend of mine just came right out with it and said…
Was at the doctor today and they told me that both my blood pressure and pulse are nice and low which is a good sign of being active! I've only ever had people telling me that everything is too high so it was a nice change :)
Someone at my work told me I looked like I'd lost weight :)
Thanks for this, have used the second code :)
I loved WW initially and managed to lose 2st on it. Then I moved away to Germany and put everything back on plus extra (yummy food and a foot injury which stopped me from running). I also agree with the previous posters that the '0 point' foods are a bit misleading - the first time I logged a banana I was stunned to see it…
You look amazing! Congratulations :)
I would love to weigh something like 120 but I don't think I've weighed so little since I was about 13 :( I'm 5 foot 3 and a bit, weigh 170 now and my main goal is 140. It may be at the top end of the 'healthy' range but it seems like a reasonable personal goal for me.
Trying to eat healthily in a house filled with nothing but chocolate and junk food :(
What a cool idea! I was just thinking of switching my running route to a park a bit further away from where I live and this site has shown me that there's a Park Run in that very place. Now I just have to try and get there for half 9 in the morning ready to run a 5k :)
Using chocolate as a (rubbish) emotional crutch; living abroad with a larger disposable income than I was used to and spending it all on food. Now trying to cut down and I've got back into running :)
My mum always has a big 360g bar of chocolate lurking in the fridge - whenever I'm stressed I find myself taking chunks of that in an attempt to make me feel better. Unsurprisingly, it never works!