warrow8282 Member


  • Heya :-) I took my before pics (I refer to them as my fat-pics), but haven't uploaded them to the computer yet, nor have I taken any current pics in the same get-up. I just wanted to share, though, that I'm 5'2 (a little under, maybe), and the heaviest I've been (that I know of at least) was 167lbs. I started calorie…
  • I did the first week without shoes & loved it... HOWEVER, I ended up really hurting my ankle during a workout (possibly a sprain), and needing to wear an ankle brace just to walk around during the day for a week (which meant I then missed a whole week of the Shred)... from then on, I started doing it with sneakers :-(
  • Definitely getting the ingredients for this next time I go grocery shopping :-) Thanks for the idea!
  • mmmm... must try!
  • Ahhh! The Black Jewels Trilogy is one of my favs!! Along with the series by Jacqueline Carey that starts with Kushiel's Dart... You're cosplay outfits sound amazing! We had a Rukia and Urahara at PortCon up here in Maine when I went... along with a Hollow Ichigo covered in white body paint. I got a picture of it because it…
  • Agreed... Even if it is just for a month or two... I thought I'd try yoga for the first time ever after I had ordered some videos and darn near broke my neck trying to do some of the poses, and I was always so frustrated because I couldn't tell if I was doing them right, or how to "open my hips" or whatever they were…
  • ^^^^ Truth. I wanted to kill her with her, "I know it's tough... I know you really want to quit right now." Gah!! So stop saying it so I stop thinking about how much I really want to quit... man.
  • Luff this thread and seeing everyone's geek side :-) I am obsessed with the obvious geeky t.v. shows & movies that have already been mentioned a trillion times- Star Wars, Star Trek, LoTR, Sherlock, Merlin, Firefly, BSG, and many more... but my all time favorite for t.v. is Doctor Who!!! Superman is my favorite…
  • I am starting it tomorrow!! :-) I'm very excited.
  • Agreed... I also have managed to get up to TripleDs... feels gross and they look hideous when not in a bra because they're just too friggin big. Can't wait to have them shrink a bit, but I know it's just part of my genes to have big boobies. No matter how much I lose, I probably won't be able to get them back to a C-cup…
  • I'm starting this as well, but not until tomorrow! I saw some threads with before and after pictures that people were posting, and it looks amazing! I can't wait to get started!
  • This thread just totally made me want to go soak in a nice, hot bath (conveniently...I did just finish scrubbing my tub and cleaning my bathroom) with candles and a glass (or 2 or 3) of wine. I'm definitely doing this tomorrow when I can "cheat" and have lots of wine. But seriously, I hope you start feeling better soon! :-)
  • I think, like others have previously mentioned, there were a combination of things and not necessarily one specific moment (It was like one specific week for me). I had gone in for a doctors visit and was weighed in at 167lbs... heaviest I have ever been in my life (I'm only 5'1, and had been fairly active 10 years ago in…