

  • First thing I've read on this post that was formed from intelligence instead of boredom or snarky egotism. There's hope for us yet. ;P
  • "The point" is that you need equally valid data to discredit. Helpful suggestions to the contrary or links to why dairy is so beneficial would prove far more effective. Irrespective of your beliefs, I truly do not belive you're a scientist who has conducted studies.
  • That's all good and fine, except truth seeking does not deter others from seeking truth. Circular reasoning there, lol.
  • That's all good and fine - except seeking truth is not about shutting down others seeking truth. Circular reasoning.
  • I'm amazed by how easily people get offended. A woman poses the belief that dairy is bad, and we all jump down her throat. "NO!! MY DAIRY GOOD!! ARGH!!!" Either way you think you know about it - why spend so much time worrying about being right? Don't be a disappointment to the human race - be a truth-seeker and encourager.
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