mongreen1 Member


  • I have 26kg to lose. Would it be better to eat my TDEE daily and not eat back my exercise points, or set up MFP to lose weight and eat as much as it tells me when it takes into account my exercise. Sorry for the annoying questions :/
  • Cool, I enabled negative calorie adjustment. I have my fitbit set to drop 1000 calories a day which is why i left myfitnesspal at my TDEE. If i was to have myfitnesspal on weight loss mode wouldnt it be doubling up? I walk about 15000 steps a day (crazy busy life) and eat about 1400 calories a day. I am overweight and…
  • So just to absolutely clarify in case i missed something. If my fitbit automatically syncs to my MFP account, and i put all my food in as well. i can trust my 'net' calories on my front page? If so, I am massively undereating :/