

  • I have 3 lbs to go to get out of that catagory. People keep telling me, "Your not obese, those charts are not personailized enough." But I tell them it does not matter, because I will feel better just not being in that group anymore.
  • I have to go against the experts and go with what works for me. If I eat a big breakfast I am famished by 9:30 - 10:00. I know a lot of people that eat big and then say, "I wont be hungry the rest of the day". For me the opposite is true. The more I eat the hungrier I am later. Same way with small snacks. If I get hungry…
  • You're not alone. After I have a bad day (usually a bad weekend). I am afraid to step back on the scale. I try to behave for a few days then go look at the damage.