ashiii1 Member


  • Ignore daily weight fluctuations - it's normal and isn't indicative of fat gain/loss. Try to just weigh yourself once a week (or whatever works for you).
  • Muesli with the little dried fruit pieces, mixed into greek yoghurt with crushed berries... it tastes soooo delicious sometimes I can't help but binge a bit on it :( Need to work on my self control.
  • The kinds of people who tend to loudly proclaim those ridiculous myths often have poor critical reasoning skills. Also, they may lack the ability to accept or admit their own ignorance. This lovely combination of traits mean it's often hopeless to try and offer a viewpoint that counters their own. The wikipedia article on…
  • Once a week, in the morning when I wake up, after the obligatory pee and right before I hop in the shower. Do it whenever it's best for you, but aim for consistency.
  • Absolutely 100% see a doctor. Why continue living with this mysterious bulge that wrecks your self-esteem? The bulge needs to be diagnosed before a treatment can be used to help you.
  • Zero. Only because I went into hermit mode and didn't do anything this year :wink:
  • I could never get into drinking plain water, but adding a slight flavour gives you that taste you miss out on. I keep a huge bottle of water which just has some lemon juice squeezed into it near me at all times. It helped me break my 1L of diet lemonade a day habit.