JamesnDavis Member


  • After looking at your dailey log I think you may be drinking TO MUCH water...I also have to say that everyone that has logged in has had some great advice to take in....rememeber also that as you lose fat and replace it with muscle, MUSCLE weighs more than fat...do a full body measurement of arms, chest ,waist and thighs…
    in Help ! Comment by JamesnDavis July 2013
  • Kimmie...dont fret, youve just hit a plateau... I have also had two straight weeks with o lbs lost yet my clothes are becoming more and more looser and my belt has had more holes punched into it....try changing up your workouts by added some different Cardio work, if you been doing a treadmill switch to an eliptical or Arc…
    in Help ! Comment by JamesnDavis July 2013