

  • I asked my library to order it, and started to read it there before I bought it. I do not regret buying it at all!
  • Yes, there is science, and studies cited.
  • I also have hypothyroidism.
  • I am on a super tight budget, and the foods are not too hard to get. One example: The glucomanan powder lasts forever, and turns liquids into pudding! I think it was around $8.00, and I've only used a little bit since getting it last Sept. I feel better on the THM plan, and don't crave carbs and sugar like I used to. The…
  • I am on a super tight budget, and the foods are not too hard to get. One example: The glucomanan powder lasts forever, and turns liquids into pudding! I think it was around $8.00, and I've only used a little bit since getting it last Sept. I feel better on the THM plan, and don't crave carbs and sugar like I used to. The…