jondoles Member


  • Add me to your team if you'd like. I'm in.
  • I use both, so it really depends on how much time I have. If my time is limited, I'd probably go elliptical as it works the entire body and I usually experience a greater calorie burn. I love to run on the treadmill too. It's a toss-up
  • Hi everyone I'm on my 53rd trip around the sun. I started using MFP on 31 Mar 2013 and have lost 33 lbs so far. I like to encourage my friends on MFP that have set goals and that are actively working to achieve them. The accountability is helpful and sharing the success (yours or mine) with others is very satisfying. Let's…
  • I like having the flexibility that comes from earning additional calories, as a result of working out. I don't always consume those extra, banked calories, but like knowing that I can, if I'm still hungry. I'm excited by the results that I've experienced with MFP.