starfish0317 Member


  • Hi. I'm Maria. I was diagnosed with IIH on July 21, 2014 after meeting with a Neuro Ophthalmologist in NY. The doctor kept asking if I got headaches and I said sometimes, but my main reason for going to him was because I lost vision upon standing up. Apparently, some medications I had previously been on could have been…
  • I never drank/used caffeine before and was told after my spinal tap/ epidural blood patch that I NEEDED to drink caffeine, so I have been, after doctors orders. They also suggested I limit my water intake, which sounded ridiculous to me... any thoughts?
  • How are you doing now in regards to the Pseudo Tumor and treatment?
  • Hello- First time writing. I just searched Pseudotumor Cerebri on the message board hoping to find something and found your post! Excited and sad at the same time. I just returned from a three week visit in NY where I was diagnosed with PTC to three flights of stairs at my VA apartment...Just getting up those stairs caused…