frexca Member


  • Im new to this group as well.. and like many have a low thyroid.. my issue is what should i be eating and what shouldn't i be eating. May I add some of you to my friends list.. maybe we can work on this together. :) or you can add me please. Charleen
  • Im struggling with hypothroidism as well... feel free to add me to your list of supporters!
  • Hello... just found out I have a low thyroid a few months ago. And as with many of you... trying to overcome this and still lose weight. Still trying to figure out what the best foods to eat and not to eat. Please feel free to add me to your list of supporters! :happy:
    in Low thyroid Comment by frexca April 2012
  • Hello Everyone!! one of my goals this year is to help motivate other people with their weight loss goals as I am trying to reach my weightloss goal, so please feel free to add me!! :)
  • Hi .. From Winnipeg, Manitoba!!!
  • Hi!! .. From transcona area. Been a member for a couple of months! Feel free to add me! Charleen
  • Hi.. I'm from Winnipeg.. Also looking for winnipegers to encourage and to receive encouragement in return. Please feel free to add me! Charleen
    in Winnipeg? Comment by frexca June 2011