kotoula01 Member


  • Hi there, I'm in the same boat as you, coming back to keto after gaining back 25 lbs...so frustrated. I am a runner also, training for my first marathon this november. It's actually hard to believe that one can run this much and still gain weight, but I'm living proof lol. I joined the OKL facebook group, and I would…
  • The best bone broth comes from the bones of animals that have been raised on pasture, not in CAFOs. That's step one for good taste. I put in some vinegar to help extract all the minerals from the bones. I usually don't salt till just before eating/drinking it. I sometimes put in some organic whole lemons to help with the…
  • I agree with the others that you're not doing harm however, can you maintain that regimen for life? Because once you stop...guess what? Yes pound creep. Ok well at least in my experience. I joined a running clinic and had my 3-4x a week runs and was able to lose 20lbs. or so, and keep it off as long as I kept up the…
  • I can honestly say I feel your frustration. I gained as well while in a marathon training clinic...all that damn running and no weight loss. I have stopped the running and am focusing on short interval workouts like stairs, and using the app 'Workout Trainer' and the 7 minute workout in that app. The whole point of running…
    in Lost Comment by kotoula01 August 2013