ocdad68 Member


  • Yellowtail :p
  • Thank you for even considering bone marrow donation and having this discussion. I am now about 145 days from my bone marrow peripheral blood stem cell transplant, done at City of Hope to cure my acute lymphoblastic leukemia. To learn more, please go to BeTheMatch.com or message me.
  • Great job.. I'm on prednisone and immunosuppression meds for bone marrow transplant and chemo. Pretty much starting over from scratch, but also need to lose pounds. Any tips on dealing with the diet, and exercise would be welcome.
  • absolutely! you are already exceeding a 5K (3.1 miles). A 10K is only 6.2 miles. You should have no trouble finishing a 10K. Also, there is no problem with doing a run/walk strategy. You can look up Jeff Galloway, and even marathoners use this strategy. Good luck
  • An approximate rule-of-thumb is that you burn about 100cal for every mile. If you walk a mile, that's 100cal. If you run a mile, you burn 100 cal but in less time. This number changes some, depending on how fit you are. Heart rate monitor watches, (eg. Garmin, and Polar) will account for your heart rate over that period of…
  • That's terrible, and you should file a complaint with the state. Also, look at your insurance records and specifically how he codes and bills for this visit. It sounds like he did not do any type of decent exam, but I'm sure he is going to bill for a level of visit that MUST include a physical exam. You can notify and…
  • First, congrats on getting married! I'm not sure where you are starting, but 50lbs will be tough. That's about 2.5lbs a week for the next 5 months. That translates into about a 1,250 cal per day deficit! You may be able to achieve that on some of the liquid VLCDs (very low calorie diet, eg "Optifast"), but even those,…
  • Counting vs Tracking I count everything. All calories count towards weight loss. 500 cal a day = 1lb a week .. not a hard, fast rule, but it's a number I just keep in mind to help me stay on track. However, I do not track the amounts or types of sugars (carbs). I just mentally try to be aware and keep away from the simple,…
  • Hey, that's a cool exercise/miles ticker.. is it here? I didn't see it.
  • Feed the kids 5-6 mile run Church Kiddie Birthday Party Try to catch the Bears beating down the Packers Better get started...