croooz Member


  • Heavy weights twice a week. I might start leisurely walking now that it's warming up. I don't believe in chronic cardio unless the person enjoys it, otherwise it just opens up your appetite and that "runner's high" is a release of endorphins that affects cortisol levels, which ain't good. I'll add sprinting once or twice a…
  • Quite frankly if you ate at maintenance and gained then what is calculated as maintenance is incorrect for you. Google "theory of fat availability" by Brad Pilon and look into the Adonis Golden ratio. Pilon's book "Eat Stop Eat" is also very good. It dispels a lot of dieting myths and encourages keeping your diet the same…
  • Account for it in your log, eat it, and move on. You could abstain through will-power but sometimes the backlash is worse later on in the week. So I recommend you work with your mind instead of working against it. To lose weight it's merely about creating a deficit. Nutritionally not all calories are equal but…
  • Cholesterol causes heart disease? Google Framington Heart Study. By not consuming cholesterol we force the body to generate even more cholesterol because it assumes there's a problem. So we should in fact eat cholesterol and ditch the sugar, processed carbs, and most grains. Not necessarily for fatloss but to keep insulin…
  • First of all do not buy into the myth that he needs to eat breakfast. If he wants to start with weights then by all means encourage him to do so. A good routine is Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe or google StrongLifts. The diet is very important but I would recommend that he not change his diet at this point but merely…
  • That is completely outrageous! You dare to finish a post without proper punctuation?!?! Do they not teach ANYTHING in the military?!?! I'm just kidding. I'm a Navy vet and enjoy this place so I came out of lurking. I've noticed there are snots here as well but that's why there's Kleenex. =]
  • If your avatar is of you I wouldn't recommend going so low. Start at 1800 and see what the tape measure and scale tell you after two weeks.
  • Not only WW but just about everyone diets this way. It's essentially a butt-backwards way to do it; start low and then decrease the calories every couple of weeks. The classic definition of yo-yo dieting. The reverse taper theorizes that once one gets close to their ideal weight they are now closer to eating maintenance.…
  • Great work! Nice ink!
  • Because my joints have screamed at me that free-weights are better for them than machines. Anecdata but I've found from other "old timers" the same thing. I've found powerlifters with no joint pain versus machine rats with multiple joint pain.
  • Your calories depend on how much fat you have to lose. The more fat the lower one can go. Someone close to their BMI or ideal bodyfat the 1200 calories would be a recipe for disaster however for someone obese or morbidly obese then 1200 is probably where they need to start at. That's where I'm at.
  • Exactly. My knees, elbows, and shoulders let me know when I haven't bothered stretching. By the way, knee pain is usually the joint above, below, or both. Tight hip flexors, hamstrings, and ankles might be the issue with your knees. Your elbow might have to do with form or perhaps you need to rest a bit more. However…
  • SInce he hasn't lost weight he's not eating at a deficit. He also may not believe he can lose the fat. Perhaps talking to him about his reasons (fears) would be appropriate. It reads as though he's only going through the motions and only when he's ready will it happen. I lost 27lb last year and my wife would constantly…
  • I'm least I try to be as much as possible. My wife is as well. She's getting closer by eliminating sugar from her coffee which has me pretty excited.
  • Me too! I buy mine from a local farm. The chickens are not grain-fed so they eat all the bugs and stuff they can find and those eggs are delicious. I try to eat 6 eggs a day...and my numbers have gotten better. Eating natural is the only way to go. I'm not afraid of the myths but my doctor seems to think I'm an…