amoreslove Member


  • Hi Antonia! My wedding is also in July. I'd love to lose 15 pounds by then. My dream would be to have the option to wear a bikini on the honeymoon, and actually look good in it! I bought a fitted dress, that I ordered one size larger, in case I don't lose any weight. But if I keep up the tracking and working out, I think…
  • Looks like you passed the 10 pound mark. Congrats! I'm only taking phen. I don't have a ton of weight to lose (only around 35 lbs), but in the last couple of years I haven't been able to lose at all, through regular workouts, weight watchers or tracking on my own, so my doctor subscribed phentermine to give me a kick…
  • Glad you're feeling better weezleweeks! My understanding is that caffeine pushes the phen through your system faster, so it's not as affective. I actually haven't taken phen for almost two weeks. Since I plateaued anyway, thought I'd give it a rest. Plus, I missed my morning coffee drink! I'll probably start it up again…
  • I went to the doctor today and she confirmed that mixing with caffeine is bad, although she said every once in a while is ok. So for now, I'm only drinking coffee on days I don't take phen. In other news, I've plateaued! :ohwell: I lost 10 lbs the first 3 weeks and nada since. I've been on it for 6 weeks total. I'm eating…
  • That's great! Congrats on the healthy lifestyle you are now living! I imagine you are just as likely to gain weight after going off of phentermine as you would be after stopping any diet program. The key will be to maintain the good habits you've developed. I plan to only take this for month or so (I'm just taking half a…
  • This has been such a crazy experience. For two years I tried to lose weight unsuccessfully and just kept gaining. Then I started taking this and have already lost 10 lbs in just 3 weeks, and that's with skipping at least 5 days of taking phentermine (I sound like an infomercial!). I think my scale is freaking out because…
  • How long did it take for your body to get used to it? I took 1/2 a pill everyday for a week and lost 5 lbs. but I really don't like how it makes me feel. I can't really focus and feel a little nauseous and very thirsty/hungry. I didn't take it on Saturday because I knew I would need to focus for a class I was taking. Took…
  • Yeah, I am drinking a lot of water, but probably need even more. Still just on half a pill. Considering trying a full dose tomorrow. I can see why some people stop taking it because of how it makes them feel. So far, I feel a little off every day. Not so jittery anymore, but sometimes a little nauseous. I'm down 4 lbs now,…
  • Going on day 3! I'm still only taking half a pill, because I do feel a little weird. At work yesterday, I had some trouble concentrating. I was SO thirsty, and then got really hungry. Perhaps I was dehydrated. That said, once it was lunch time, I didn't overeat. I think my hope for success this go around, aided by the…
  • That's great! Congrats on your success. I took my first one 90 minutes ago. I only took half, so I could ease into it. I feel fine so far. Haven't tried to eat anything yet, so we'll see how appetizing food is!
  • Congrats on quitting smoking and starting a healthier lifestyle! That's great! I can relate a bit. I declared that I wanted to lose 20 lbs by August and my bf said, "that sounds great. Me too." I was excited that he's doing the diet with me, but after the first week I realize it may end up being discouraging. He's already…