Cyanide6 Member


  • I'll be happy to get to 150 and see how it goes from there. I hit that after I had my twins and looked really gaunt...but, I was out of shape and recovering from a c-section as well. I've actually got muscle now, but it's under the 'comfort padding'. I don't think I'll ever see 125 again, but I'm taking this in stages, so…
  • Allowing a little treat prevents the epic fail that comes with deprivation. Stop seeing it as a fail and more like a reward. Example, I ate a lot of fresh veg and fruit today, had my protein fill and kept carbs low but reasonable. I did 45 mins of cardio at the gym so I'm going to TREAT myself to a couple of chocolate chip…
  • Guilty of falling off the wagon as a little too complacent on holiday with all the food and booze. Thankfully, I did stick with the gym and my new job is very physical, so I lucked out and got me some muscles. My big issue and probably will be such for a while is that damn Buddha belly. If the tummy were…