Athleta pants/crops are awesome and not sheer. The best part is that you can buy them, work out in them, and return them if you are not satisfied. I did that once and the salesperson did not give me any hassle at all. Free shipping and free returns if you don't have a store nearby.
If I am traveling for work, which I do fairly often, it would be 15-20. When I am home, it's more like 4-5.
whoa. your post told me something i hadn't even thought about . . . over versus under. i'd been so focused on grip width till now. As I understand it, underhand grip uses more of your biceps which is a huge assist. Overhand grip has no such help from the arms.
Babybell Light Mini Cheese Wheels. 50 calories each and 6 grams of protein. You get a large bag of them for same price as small bag at grocery store. They also have their own Kirkland brand of non-fat Greek yogurt. It's cheaper than the Fage they also sell and I think it tastes better. Also, cottage cheese.
My goal is 3 overhand grip pull-ups (no cheating - all the way down to straight arm hang and then all the way up). I can currently do multiple sets and reps of underhand chin-ups with no assistance but overhand is so much harder. Thanks for starting this thread.
I, too, clicked on the link, added 3 items to my cart for $52 total but the price did not discount at check-out and I did not get the free shipping for spending over $50. Bummer.