clar1984 Member


  • I always do, they can add up really quickly. I was also really surprized to learn how many calories were in fruit juices, so started mixing them with water to reduce the calorie intake
  • My goal weight is the maximum weight I can be for my height and have a healthy BMI. Once I get there, after celebrating, I think I'll assess if its a good end weight and start maintaining, or set another goal a little lower. I didn't want to get too carried away when I started, and even a BMI of 25 still seemed impossible…
  • I weigh in generally every morning, the scales are kept in my flatmates room, so the only times I don't are when he hasn't left the flat yet when I get up. I only allow myself to log the weight as lost after I've weighed it a few mornings in a row. Trying to break the habit though :)
  • Well it depends on how much you are going to drink when you're out. I was a big fan of wine, until I realised that I would easily have 4 large glasses (basically a bottle) and it was upwards of 600 calories. Whereas I've recently been mixing liquor with diet coke or diet lemonade and having 4 drinks and thats only about…
  • Hiya - it's known as an Elliptical trainer in the States, so you'll find it in the database under that :)