

  • Oh I see now somebody already had that Idea!!
  • Fondu, It is a great way to have fun and healthy snacks!!! It also taste great!!!
  • According to the restaurant website the house salad has 750 calories if you eat it like they serve it. I hope that helps!!
  • I am a teacher and I think the idea of these posting are to encourage people not let out our pet peeves. I just was saying we need to encourage people on here who might be typing fast and made a mistake instead of pointing out their mistakes!! That was my point. We do not need to take a mistype as the world not being able…
  • Wow, how is it encouraging people to point out the mistakes they make in postings? who cares if someone says I want to loose or lose ten pounds we should just get over the mispelling and encourage people!! By the way my pet peeve is people that say Warsh!! IT IS WASH no R in the word!!
  • Hi Diana, I have been using this site for a little over a month now and have lost 27 pounds!! This is a great site to help you understand what calories are in the foods you eat. It is not about getting stressed out by what you eat but just learning to eat smarter. I still eat plenty enough to feel good during the day and I…