

  • looking at another picture of Janine 2355 =)
  • Just an add on; my 6'1" girlfriend was over 6'4" in heels. Loved it when she wore them!!:happy:
  • I was a bit over 5'7", and when I was younger, dated a girl who was over 6'1" and stunningly gorgeous! Loved the looks walking down the street holding her hand. Had to stand on the higher step to look her in the eyes and kiss her good night. She was a goddess, and I was always impressed that she didn't care that I was…
  • To try to gain a better understanding of the superior sex. . .=)
  • Hi. My name is vern. you can add me if you would like.
  • If I am in my creative period, then no because I need to focus all of my energies on my creation. If I am in a reflective period, than possibly, but I have to listen to gentle music. . . sorry ladies. Not trying to make light of what y'all go through. Just thought that maybe I could make someone smile!!=) Have a great day!!
  • Measuring the inches is the best measurement. Keep in mind, that possibly around your period, or with too much salt intake, you may retain water at certain times, but if you are measuring, you will start to see patterns and not get discouraged when the inches fluctuate a bit, because they will. Anyway, all the best!!=)
  • And, I agree with the other poster that it would help if your diary was open. You look pretty good in your picture!
  • Are you measuring your inches?? If not, start. And use that as your guide. Forget about the weight, just worry about the inches. If you are in deficit, the inches will come off. Would have to look at your food intake to tell you more. Additionally, are you cheating on your food? A little treat here and there can add up big…
  • Its a good thing I am not a woman with a nice rack. . .I would be playing with my boobs all day long and would never get anything done. . .
  • Well, judging by your picture, you still look like your packing some pretty good heat!! =D