Hello all! Thank you for starting this group. First and foremost please feel free to add me :smile: I am a professional dieter and would like to stop dieting and just maintain a healthy lifestyle and weight. I was a chubby child, I wouldn't say obese, and then really thinned out in high school. I was thin and active and…
Thank you all for your help and advice :smile: I have been weighing all my food and have been using a vivofit with the heart-rate monitor. My nutritionist just increased my deficit to see if that gets things moving. I really think there's just very little room for error at this point. I can't have more than a 1000 calorie…
You can add me :smile: I'm in SLC
I guess it would be easier if I saw even a little loss, but it's hard when I haven't seen one yet. I'm increasing my deficit vas hope that will get it moving. Also I'm switching around my exercise. Just really feel deflated sometimes. !!! Super suck.
Thank you! Just frustrated because I used to lose it so quickly...literally just change my eating behavior and it would melt away. Of course I'd gain it back quickly too. I guess you're right, I hope this time it will stay gone! Thank you, Moppet76!
Please add me! I'm super frustrated. Almost 40 and still needing to lose almost 70 lbs! I need all the support and I give a lot of support. :smile:
Add me too! 38 yo mother of 3 that needs to lose 60 lbs! Ugh. This sucks :blush:
Me too! Can add me if you like :) good luck!
Can add me :)
YOu can add me :)
P.S...anyone can add me. Any help is always appreciated!
add me :) good luck on your journey and new lifestyle!
high protein low carb pancakes with lite syrup :) Yummy and only about 300 calories WITH the syrup...message me if you'd like the recipe!
I'm in...anyone need new friend's please add me :-)
We all fight this battle... :) Please feel free to add me. I feel your pain!! Word's of wisdom..hmmm.. most cravings only last 15 minutes. Or...brush your teeth :) That helps. Lastly, I wanted Chocolate tonight too so I had some! I just logged it. I also had a cupcake. This method isn't about deprivation, its about…
Not from your area, I think, but feel free to add me :) This is a great support network :)... Good luck!
Yes, add me too! I love this site, great support from people sharing your same struggle!
Welcome!! Feel free to add me :)
WELCOME!!!! Joining is a great positive first step. As far as your husband goes, husband use to keep a pot of oil on the burner so he can fry EVERYTHING. He now eats healthier (not perfect mind you) and is also losing his belly :) It has taken a while to change his ways, but the best way for me to help him, I think,…
amazing accomplishment....great for you!
People need something to talk about negatively to make themselves feel better. DO NOT let them dictate your moods or diminish what you've done. This gives the haters WAY TOO MUCH power. Its up to you how you let them affect your feelings. Don't give them that type of control You've accomplished what few people can. Good on…
One day at a time is correct. Remember...the rainstorm starts with a single drop! Add me if you'd like more friends. You have to find it in you to committ (sp?) to something everyday. I have lost 40 pounds before starting MFP except I find these last 30 pounds to be more challenging so I needed the support forum that's…
It is very inspirational! Thank you for putting yourself out there to help us :)
My two cents after viewing the diary...what is your average calorie burn they've alloted to you based on your activity? I know the heavier you are, the more calories you burn. My intake goal is less than yours and I'm sure I'm a lot heavier. Are you extremely physical all day long? If you want to lose a pound a week you…
Please add me!!! I would love the support as well!
I will definiely add you. I think we all have fought similar far as emotions and food being more than sustinence (sp?). It is great to know you have done so well. I have lost about 60 so far, but I need to lose this last 30 or so. I've accepted that this is a battle I will always have to fight, much like any…