cgates33 Member


  • Definitely use her comment as motivation to lose weight. I had a similar experience: In February of 2010, a shallow ex-boyfriend in an angry text message told me I was gaining weight around my hips and how I was fat, etc. Deeply hurt and already feeling in a rut before that, I started the south beach diet to show him that…
  • Hi all!!! Sorry I haven't chimed in until now! It was very difficult to stay on track this weekend, but I figured August 1st/Monday would be a perfect time to start. To introduce myself: I am 25, 5'7 and will be weighing myself tonight at the gym (as of last week I was 152 but I am not certain about the current number…
  • I am in the same position (with a wedding as my goal!). I need some motivation!!
  • I would love to join! I start my Master's degree in exactly a month and need to start now! :)