

  • It takes approximately 10 days for a person to starve to death, the organs begin to shut down and you can go into cardiac arrest. The average person can go only 3 days without eatting and that's pushing the envelope.
  • To be quite honest, some foods are good for cleansing. but if you REALLY want to cleanse, try taking a laxative once a month, or simply drinking prune juice weekly. Honostly, if all you are dropping is water weight(wich we as women suffer greatly from) doesn't drinking water more help?
  • I am in the process of trying this 7 day cleanse. As a correction, the soup does add calories, it containes 145 calories per serving. As I entered the menu I am to follow, I found that the sugar intake was extremely high. With all that I have eatten trough out the day, I only consume 799 calories a day, which is very…
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