Joiesmama Member


  • My problem is sweets: chocolate in particular, but anything sweet will get me going. Diet coke by the bottle. However, I know the aspartame is a killer, really, so for almost a week I have been able to not drink or drink only 1 can a day. The more you abstain, the easier it gets and then you really don't want it. Try water…
  • Hi, I joined myfitnesspal a week ago but haven't started any exercise, so I think it's about time. I will try to start power walking at least 30 min. a day for a week and then bump it up 15 - 20 min. at a time. I'm also going to do some weight training and stretching so we'll see how it goes. Will keep in touch,…
  • OK, so it's April 2/13 and I just joined myfitnesspal today. I'm going to try to walk (briskly) 30 min. at least 3 x a week for starters. I need all the support I can get so I can hang in there. Will keep posting on my progress. Joiesmama