Marry, obviously; she likes The Emperor's New Groove!
Abs, of course (smile is a close second, though)
Goofball; kinda gal you can get a beer with.
Creep; loving the leopard print number.
Sexy, of course! :-)
Beautiful! :-)
He never dumped her
niko919 - nice arms, dang
Smile/pout - such a cutie :-) whoops - this was for "itsadogslife"!
Girl, your eyebrows are EN POINTE.
Obviously hot; sultry.
Current minus your towel comment.
Grab; awesome motivation in your profile!
I have the exact same problem - I started exercising at night to prevent the overeating/snacking. It forces me to eat a lighter dinner and not snack until I've digested dinner and can go for a run without feeling sick. By the time I'm done I'm pretty much too exhausted to eat. Hope this helps; just be careful not to let it…
Femininity is not defined by bust size; there's more beauty to you than the size of your breasts. Take pride in what you've accomplished, and don't worry about the chest. As a size AA for my entire life (regardless of weight, regardless of height), I can promise you that you will still be beautiful inside and out. Try not…
Gorgeous smile; you look so kind!
I'm 5'8" and 159, with my target being 145. That being said, my body shape does NOT carry weight very well - I don't gain "all over," I gain in very select and specific areas. Goal weights should be wherever your body looks and feels the best; I personally perform better athletically and look "correct" when I'm a little…