bump, curious about this too
I hope so :( I was trying for about a month doing squats, lunges, pushups, sits up etc but saw no results so gave up. I just need my stomach toning/ flattened!! ARGHHHHHHH :'(
Okk, i was doing this for about a month but gave up because i was getting nowhere.. I don't understand how it will help because i'm not actually fat its just the fat i do have sits in one area, underneath my stomach is hard. When i stretch up my stomach goes flat everywhere except the fat is still quite noticeable in the…
okay so push ups, sit ups, squats and lunges should all build muscle.. right? But i started doing this about 2 months ago but stopped because i wasnt seeing any results? How many of each should i be doing and for how long to gain muscle mass and lower body fat? Also how many cals?
Yeah, i thought i had to do strength training but i dont have access to a gym and the only equipment i have is an 8kg kettle bell, how am i supposed to build muscle at home??