Shelle33 Member


  • What are my fitness goals? To figure out this whole exercise thing so that I don't keep getting injured. To slim down so that I can be more marketable in performing. To become a better dancer and do a solo burlesque show. To build my strength and fitness levels so that I set myself up for a happy, healthy future, both…
  • My Fitness Story: I will try to keep this brief. I will fail at this... :) At 5'5" and 176.6 lbs, I am the tallest and biggest of anyone in my family, including the men (family of Lilliputians). I was thin as a child and only remember being made aware of my weight when my grammy stood me in front of a mirror at age 13…
  • I'm loving all of the posts here, so I decided to join in. Please pardon the next three, as I'm catching up on the daily questions. 10 facts about me: 1) I'm an opera singer/actor. I've been performing professionally since the age of 10. 2) My favourite novel is The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. 3) I love sushi!…
  • MY STARTING WEIGHT: 186.6 lbs CURRENT WEIGHT: 176.6 lbs (June 2, 2016) 5/9/16: 177.4 lbs 5/16/16: 176.6 lbs (Cold) 5/23/16: 176.6 lbs (Cold) 5/30/16: 176.6 lbs (Cold and TOM) 6/6/16: 6/13/16: 6/20/16: 6/27/16: 7/4/16: 7/11/16: 7/18/16: 7/25/16: WEIGHT LOSS FOR THE WEEK: 0 lbs WEIGHT LOSS SO FAR DURING CHALLENGE: 0.8 lbs…
  • SW: 186.6 CW: 176.6 GW: 171.6 Weigh in dates: Start of the month(06/01 Wednesday): 176.6 06/04 Sat: 06/11 Sat: 06/18 Sat: 06/25 Sat: End of the month(06/30 Thursday): Total weight lost:
  • Name: Shelle33 Age: 27 Height: 5'5" Start Weight (June 1): 176.6 Goal Weight (July 1): 171.6 Weigh-ins (week of...): June 1: 176.6 June 8: June 15: June 22: June 29: Weight -/+ this week: 0 Weight -/+ this month: 0 Successes/struggles this week: Recovering from a bad cold, TOM, and transitioning jobs, so lots of stress.…
  • Start Weight (May 1st): 179.6 Goal Weight (June 5th): 169.6 Weigh-Ins May 1st: 179.6 May 8th: 177.4 May 15th: 176.6 May 22nd: 176.6 May 29th: 176.6 June 5th: Fitness/Health goal: Ease back into the fitness portion once I feel better. Try not to beat myself up for resting when I'm unwell. Get more accurate with my food…
  • Name: Shelle33 Age: 27 Height: 5'5" Start Weight (May 1): 179.6 Goal Weight (June 1): 171.6 Weigh-ins (week of...): May 1: 179.6 May 8: 177.4 May 15: 176.6 May 22: 176.6 May 29: 176.6 Weight -/+ this week: 0 Weight -/+ this month: -3 Successes: At least I didn't gain... :/ Struggles: No loss this week. :( Cold, TOM, and a…
  • Start Weight (May 1st): 179.6 Goal Weight (June 5th): 169.6 Weigh-Ins May 1st: 179.6 May 8th: 177.4 May 15th: 176.6 May 22nd: 176.6 May 29th: June 5th: Fitness/Health goal: Ease back into the fitness portion once I feel better. Try not to beat myself up for resting when I'm unwell. Get more accurate with my food logging.…
  • Name: Shelle33 Age: 27 Height: 5'5" Start Weight (May 1): 179.6 Goal Weight (June 1): 171.6 Weigh-ins (week of...): May 1: 179.6 May 8: 177.4 May 15: 176.6 May 22: 176.6 May 29: Weight -/+ this week: 0 Weight -/+ this month: -3 Successes: Non-weight related victory = Got a dream job! Struggles: No loss this week. :( Really…
  • Hi All! I'm 27 and I have about 27 lbs to lose before I reach a healthy weight. However, my UGW is 130. I've lost 10 lbs since March 18! Feel free to add me! :smile: Stats: SW (March 18, 2016): 186.6 CW (May 15, 2016): 176.6 GW1: 149 UGW: 130
  • May 1 - 14,683 May 2 - 5,769 (rest day) May 3 - 11,646 May 4 - 11,449 May 5 - 10,198 May 6 - 10,093 May 7 - 10,087 May 8 - 5,643 (rest day) May 9 - 11,130 May 10 - 10,919 May 11 - 10,483 May 12 - 11,026 May 13 - 806 (bad cold) May 14 - 10,013 133,945 Steps so far this month. 176,055 to go!
  • Name: Shelle33 Age: 27 Height: 5'5" Start Weight (May 1): 179.6 Goal Weight (June 1): 171.6 Weigh-ins (week of...): May 1: 179.6 May 8: 177.4 May 15: 176.6 May 22: May 29: Weight -/+ this week: -0.8 Weight -/+ this month: -3 Successes: -10 lbs from when I started (March 18th, 2016)! Struggles: Not my best week, as I've had…
  • Start Weight (May 1st): 179.6 Goal Weight (June 5th): 169.6 Weigh-Ins May 1st: 179.6 May 8th: 177.4 May 15th: 176.6 May 22nd: May 29th: June 5th: Fitness/Health goal: Do C25K 3 times a week. Hit 10000 steps 6 days per week. Get more accurate with my food logging. More fruit and veggies. Less sugar. Investigate options for…
  • I weigh in on Sundays. :) SW: 182 (as of 4/3/16) CW: 177.4 (as of 5/8/16) GW: 162 4/3/16: 182 4/10/16: 181 4/17/16: 180 4/24/16: 179.6 5/1/16: 179.6 5/8/16: 177.4 5/15/16: 5/22/16: 5/29/16: 6/6/16: 6/12/16: 6/19/16: 6/26/16: 7/3/16:
  • The one thing missing here is the relationship between sugar and fibre. In a whole fruit, like an apple, the fibre in the fruit slows the absorption of the sugar. This slower release of sugar into the blood stream means that you don't see the same sugar spike that you would from consuming a chocolate chip cookie (which is…
  • May 1 - 14,683 May 2 - 5,769 (rest day) May 3 - 11,646 May 4 - 11,449 May 5 - 10,198 May 6 - 10,093 May 7 - 10,087
  • Start Weight (May 1st): 179.6 Goal Weight (June 5th): 169.6 Weigh-Ins May 1st: 179.6 May 8th: 177.4 May 15th: May 22nd: May 29th: June 5th: Fitness/Health goal: Do C25K 3 times a week. Hit 10000 steps 6 days per week. Get more accurate with my food logging. More fruit and veggies. Less sugar. Investigate options for a…
  • Name: Shelle33 Age: 27 Height: 5'5" Start Weight (May 1): 179.6 Goal Weight (June 1): 171.6 Weigh-ins (week of...): May 1: 179.6 May 8: 177.4 May 15: May 22: May 29: Weight -/+ this week: -2.2 Weight -/+ this month: -2.2 Successes: Yay! This is the biggest loss I've ever had in one week. Probably had something to do with…
  • At 5'5", I've settled on 130 as my UGW. I've been both smaller and larger than that, but I preferred how I looked around that weight. Of course, I will adjust as necessary depending on how I feel. I come from a family of Lilliputians, being the tallest and widest of anyone (including the men), so this will still leave me…
  • I deal with this too. For me, low impact physical activity is best to start (think walking outside, swimming, yoga, etc.). I also journal, do something creative, or call a friend if it's getting really crazy. In terms of food/drink, tea is my friend. Something soothing like peppermint or warming like genmaicha. If I have a…
  • Name: Shelle33 Age: 27 Height: 5'5" Start Weight (May 1): 179.6 Goal Weight (June 1): Weigh-ins (week of...): May 1: 179.6 May 8: May 15: May 22: May 29: Weight -/+ this week: 0 Weight -/+ this month: Successes/struggles this week: Family visit from across the country meant all sorts of bad food/weird choices. I walked…
  • Start Weight (May 1st): 179.6 Goal Weight (June 5th): 169.6 Weigh-Ins May 1st: 179.6 May 8th: May 15th: May 22nd: May 29th: June 5th: Fitness/Health goal: Do C25K 3 times a week. Hit 10000 steps 6 days per week. Get more accurate with my food logging. More fruit and veggies. Less sugar.
  • Avocado toast topped with whatever you want (hardboiled egg slices, salt and pep are my go-tos. Always pick a whole grain bread - I like Ezekiel.). Fruit and plain skyr or greek yogurt Smoothies with protein powder The key, at least for me, is to have a nice mix of protein and fat in the morning.
  • Half an avocado, bowl of strawberries, and a simply protein bar (and my multivitamin).
  • Confessions: 1) I kind of blame my boyfriend for my weight gain (I know that it's wrong, but I sometimes can't help it). I'm a vegetarian/pescetarian who eats very lightly. He's a carbitarian/carnivore who hates most vegetables. He loves his heavy food and beer. He doesn't really want to exercise or do outdoor activities,…
  • Breakfast: Blackberries, Raspberries, Half an Avocado, Simply Protein Bar, Multivitamin Lunch: Sushi - tekka maki (with rice), cucumber and salmon hand roll (no rice), and a couple of bites from the bf's Yam Tempura Dinner: Miso-Tahini Roast Veggie bowl - cauliflower rice mixed with quinoa, roasted sweet potatoes, roasted…
  • Once I get to 165 (halfway to my healthy BMI from where I started - 186.5ish), I get the Lost Ocean colouring book. Super excited! CW - 181. 5.5 lbs lost in 3 weeks.
  • Juice and any fruit drink thing...I drink way too much of it! Also, ice cream and tempura.