0plato0 Member


  • Ah I'm already doing couting cals (1200 a day) and exercise (running 3 times a week, swimmng twice a week) and the results are poor to say the least. Unfortunatly genetics mean I cling on to every ounce of fat. I was just wondering if these herbal slimming aids, in conjunction with my cal counting and exercise might just…
    in Diet Pills Comment by 0plato0 May 2011
  • Different people react differently to running ourside vs running on a treadmill. Personally I find i run faster outside but there we go. I'd suggest doing more outside training runs if you can, if gets you used to varying elevations and bumpy surface underfoot, and running in "weather" and what not. In terms of keeping a…
  • Oh yes BUMP. I'm a 32J, and I'd really like to hear peoples experiences of breat reduction surgery. Specifically in regards to future breast feeding. I'm determined to breastfeed my GP recomended I waited till after I've had children before I get the knockers "fixed"
  • I think the sugar calculations on this arn't very good. It says minus on mine after breakky to.. but having such a low daily sugar intake is unrealistic. My other half is type 1 diabetic. He has to keep his sugar intake low anyway (when he's not excercising), but if he goes as low as is suggested on here he has a hypo.…
  • This might help:http://www.the-gi-diet.org/lowgifoods/ There are also a few recepies on there which are good. Specially the chocolate mousse!!! I properly stuck to a GI diet meal plan (it was though tesco diets I think) a few years ago, it was hard going but you get used to it, and you change your oppinion of food…
    in Gl Help Comment by 0plato0 February 2011
  • I agree with vickiele1 for the most part. Though it's kinda easier said than done. I was also one for removing all temptation from the house, however.. I now live with my Type 1 Diabetic boyfriend... which, odly enough, makes this harder. We have to have cookies and sweet things in the house incase he has an extream low…
  • I've tried It's not really his kind of thing.
  • Mresta made my other half (type 1 Diabetic) these for his birthday as the weekend. I can safely say they are really tasty, and make a fantastic hangover cure!!!