When I reach my goal weight, my reward will be a new tattoo. I really want one, so I have to make myself work for it. As for smaller goals, new outfits and such.
I am in Columbus also! My name is Cassie. I work from home as my husband and I run a wedding entertainment company - DJ, event lighting, Wedding Officiant. . My husband and I have been married for almost 15 years. Lived in Columbus for almost 10 years and I LOVE it! I live around Central and 19th! I have a daughter in 3rd…
My goal is to lose 125. That will get me to a reasonable weight for me. I am not looking to get uber skinny. I just want to be healthy. I am short and most things say my weight needs to be 100-105, but there is NO WAY for me to get that low. I just want to be healthy!
Thanks for the Invite!! Anyone else in Columbus, IN?
Let's help each other! I send a requeset
Wow - you aren't supportive. I stopped taking it, stopped exercising, stopped everything. Things happened. I gained it back. You don't know me. I was just giving her my experience with taking it. Not sure I am going to like this site if I get attacked for answering a question.
I am aiming for 15lbs by Christmas!
Sent a request! :smile:
I took it a few years ago for several months. I was also going to the gym 5+ times per week and eating healthy. I lost 50lbs in about 5-6 months. I can't say for sure that slim quick did anything to help me lose weight because I was exercising also. It did help curb my appetite. I definitely ate less when I was taking it!…
I have an Enell Sports Bra and it's amazing!!!
An Enell sports bra was the best purchase I ever made!!