

  • Thank you so much for all your help! Its really appreciated and I will definately be looking in to all of your advice :-) Thank you again! xx
  • Laura you are so right. We can definately do this! I keep making excuses like oh maybe its my contraception hindering my weight loss where is in reality I switch off to the diet at the weekend and that more likely the problem. I eat too much rubbish and drink wine which is full of calories I know! No more!! :-) I will be…
    in Help! Comment by MrsCC2be March 2011
  • Im definately with you! Im dieting for my wedding next year and its not going well. I have been trying hard to stick to it but when I dont see the results I lose all my motivation and in creeps the fatty foods and lazy days again! I bought my dress las year (wedding is not until March 2012) and when I bought it it was a…