

  • :-)
  • Found this link ...... Not certain how much it helps but I figured it would be a start. I have wondered the same thing before. :D If I find anything else I will post it.
  • I am willing to give this a whirl. What your goals are for the month: To lose SOME weight. I am not even going to put a # out there since I seem to have hit a brick wall lately any is better than none at all, I guess. How you will be measuring: I guess the scale is the easiest way to tell. Or I may also pull out those…
  • CONGRATS! Most of all on the new addition to your family and of course for your weight loss accomplishment! You should be very proud of yourself.
  • We live in the midwest and it is starting to be not so nice outside. :( But I did spend 30 mins on the treadmill this morning and managed to squeak out a meager 2.2 miles. Better than nothing though. ;-) I spend time on the treadmill in the morning before work almost every day. As much time as I can get in, I do. Usually…
  • I am in, too! :D I like the breakdown as well. Makes it seem a lot more realistic/achievable. I am just seeing this thread so I have some catching up to do w/ the exception of the walking. I do get on the treadmill every morning before work and usually manage to get in about 2.25 miles (fast paced walk). I will work on…
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