megdeitz Member


  • I hope no one minds that I created the spreadsheet for January. I figure we can start as of January 9th (since we're past the first week and people may not have weighed themselves over the weekend) and we can run through February 6th. The spreadsheet link is…
  • Let's do it!
  • Will you be doing this again in February? I was part of this group for a couple of months and then kind of fell off. I'd like to get back into it again if you're doing it.
  • I think I was 67 for weight loss and 73 for percentage. Hoping to make it into the top 50 for August. Much more motivated to get back on track this month.
  • Ugh. I hate that number next to my name. I hate that I'm not making better progress. But between this group and the twitter friends I have that have decided to make each other accountable for doing something for exercise each day, hopefully I'll see more progress in August!
  • I'm really looking forward to redeeming myself in August. My birthday is September 2nd, so I'm hoping to show improvement before then!
  • I'm fairly certain I'm ending July the same way I started it. :-/ I've also not been tracking in my diary and eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it, so any progress I made is probably gone.
  • I entered my weight today and it looks like there's some error in the Excel formula. Not sure what it is. Line 143. ETA: So I saw the person 2 lines ahead of me added their weight for this week and it calculated fine. I just dragged the formula down to my line, and it seemed to resolve the issue.
  • Normally I walk just about a mile a day with my dog (extending it an extra tenth of a mile wouldn't be hard for me or him). However, I've been sick with a respiratory infection for the last three days. I've had little to no energy to do anything (haven't even been able to get anywhere on my knitting!), but I'm starting to…
  • John posted in the "Can we do this in July??" Thread last night that they will be doing this in July as well and he's creating a new July spreadsheet. :)
  • Glad to see this is continuing for July. I have not been the most active MFP member since starting a few months ago, so I'm hoping this will help keep me accountable. Plus I like to be competitive so hopefully it will push me to do better.