gapilot Member


  • I have cut out food with flour and sugar ... it was really difficult initially, but it's getting easier now. I focus on what I can eat - not what i can't ... I also don't do anything else while I eat ... just focus on my food, how good it tastes, eat slowly ... relish it. Hope that helps.
  • I started the 17 day Diet on March 3. I have lost 5.4 pounds so far. It may sound like a fad diet ... but the first 17 days are just to help you lose weight immediately - to encourage you to continue. I think we all want to see results "right now". The next phase you are strict only every other day ... even numbered days,…
  • I like to get into my closet and start trying on clothes I have not been able to wear until now ... it helps me avoid the munchies.