

  • Definitely agree with Unpredictably. Also, whether or not you need to do that depends on what you mean when you say a lot of extra calories and how long you've been eating more than you'd like. If the one day helps you get back on track and you don't have any medical reason for not doing the "detox" then go for it.
  • I eat Chobani greek yogurt. It has fruit in it so there is sugar, but I think the key is to make sure that the product is free from added sugar. The natural sugar in fruit is okay in my book. I also love chocolate so that's my biggest vice and one that I'm not giving up any time soon so I try to make sure I only eat it…
  • Awesome! Maybe we should petition this site to add an "Awesome" button. Keep up the great work.
  • Welcome aboard! I started a few weeks ago and simply being conscious of what I'm taking in has helped me a lot.
  • I stick with traditional weights: bench, curls, etc., but I try to mix up the grips and weight. I use kettle balls to do shoulder shrugs and squats. I do cardio afterwards, usually stair stepper or elliptical for 30-40 min. I do a variety of ab work that totals 100 for now. As for sports, I love playing basketball but I'm…