I loved your info. I have heard far too many mean things said about potatoes lately but I still maintain that they are healthy :)
PS At all costs avoid Hardy's and Arby's. No real alternatives there that I could see. I went off-plan that day! Ugh.
I just did this. And I do have to avoid gluten, so it was tricky. I found that most fast food places (McD's, Wendy's, Burger King) have salads. Yes, I got tired of salads... then we went to Wendy's and I got a baked potato (unloaded) and chili. Grocery store for fruits and veggies-in-a-bag type snacks, yogurt, and I…
I'm joining you! I need motivation but I'd never heard of this before! Love the idea.
Can I join? I am nursing a 9 month old, and I have a ton of weight to lose (at least 50)... Have lost 27 since giving birth but it is coming off soooo slowly and I get frustrated because when I calorie count, I am still hungry at the end of the day. My baby us huge and she nurses as much as she can, is also on solids and…