bobbhebe Member


  • Have you noticed any weightloss or inches since you started 30 day shred?
  • don't forget if you are going to the gym .....muscle weighs more than fat, measuring is a great way to see a difference but do not measure everyday our bodies tend to do funny things, I have heard measure after 2 weeks or more. I measured myself in August 2010, my belly was 41inches and I measured again in February 2011…
  • SW 170 CW 160 Only 5lbs to reach my February Challenge!!
  • I am totally up for the challenge, we are doing biggest loser at work and i am motivated to win it , just for the glory!! I currently weigh 169lbs weight last Monday morning, I will weigh my self monday morning and up date it first thing monday I would love to lose 15lbs by the end of February! Let the game begin! I can…