

  • I bought about 30 tins of tuna when they were on offer, pretty damn embarrasing but well worth it!
  • Sounds like you're in a honeymoon phase. Being obsessed is only a ba thing if it impacts you or your life in a negative way. Eg if you're missing many family/friend/social functions due to working out 3hrs a day. Just have awareness of Balance.
  • They look alright, a bit like a wetsuit for yer feet. Bet they're pretty comfy/fun to run in.
  • Whatsup guys just checking in, currently in week 5 of p90x and loving it :)
  • I find after not eating junk food for a few months the cravings completely disappear, just like with cigarettes and alcohol :)
  • Good advice from georgiafan. I use whey and find it not very filling, it is also easy to mix with just water. If you want an extra ~65 calories you can mix with 125ml semi skimmed milk. Another option to consider is a Instant Oats shake, it can help add low GI carbs. I've foudn it disgusting with water but nice with…
  • Home for me, way quicker and easier. I have: Pullup Bar with gym Rings (my favourite) Dip Bars Pushup Bars Power Push Up 2 resistance cables 10 dumbbells Exercise bike Future items I'd like: Weighted vest Kettlebells That together with bodyweight exercises is enough to keep me more than busy, only problem is I have to be…
  • I'm really not sure, I didn't weigh myself over xmas as I'm only about 5-10lb over ideal weight. My focus for p90x was to increase strength and muscle and overall fitness. I have been eating reasonably but have only just yesterday decide to eat very well, track cals and shoot for a deficite to lose a small amount per week.…
  • Hey guys and gals, I'm heading into week 4 P90x (it's intense!) Please add me so my motivation for workouts and counting calories will continue! Cheers, feelgoodoutside