

  • Welcome Emily! I never followed the nutrition guide on beast because it put me at very high calories. I just calculated through myfitnesspal based on how much i wanted to lose. I am at 1500 calories a day at 50% protein/25 carb/ 25 fat. This has been working well and the hardest part is getting all that protein. lean…
  • Thanks for the tip on the FB page. I requested be added so waiting... I did legs today and that burned! I know I will feel it tomorrow. Been craving so many sweets lately and has been hard to fight. Im not sure what is going on as I have been so good for a while. Hope you all are doing well! Keep pushing!
  • pdhb- Welcome! I just usually tracking it as cardiovascular- and the select strength training. I also added my own exercises and created ones for Body Beast. I use a fitbit so that syncs with MFP and it calculates my calories. Jennifer- Welcome! How long is the trip? If its only a week or two I say continue in Bulk, but if…
  • Hey there! I was out of town for a few days for the holiday camping, so I missed some workouts and now trying to catch up by doing doubles this week. Its rough! I am in Week 6 now and did Shoulders this morning and feel much stronger! I went up in weight for everything. eating4me- I have also experienced this "fluffier"…
  • Cant beat the original P90x. great work on getting it done!
  • Thanks for info. I looked up the conversation and it was helpful. I dont care much about steps as I am pretty active, but I do like the sleep stuff. I may return the FB and keep the HRM since Im most concerned about what Im burning during a workout. It is interesting though with Body Beast you have a continuous burn…
  • Welcome Michele! Glad you started! Thanks for your suggestions so far. I have been trying out the fitbit and it said I had 1500 calorie burn yesterday for the whole day. Apparently your burn calories when you breath.... We'll see how it goes the next few days. Getting ready to do Bulk legs today.
  • Did my first bulk workout today. Bulk Chest. Really enjoyed it and the fact that it was 30 Minutes! I have a question for all of you. What type of calorie tracker do you use? My husband just got me a Fitbit, but Im not impressed so far and do not feel it is accurate on my calorie burn. Do you think a heart rate monitor is…
  • Hey all! I just started 3 weeks ago and found this group. Its so great to see so many women doing this program. I hope to get some great ideas from you all. Currently enjoying th workout, other than the initial weight gain int he first phase.