

  • Take her out to eat and ask the waiter to bring the keys out on a plate and sit it in front of her after the meal.
  • I want to stop craving food. Oh please let me know when you get that figured out. I want to wear my 2 piece swimsuit w/o feeling that I should cover up. I want to stop hating to sit down and show my fat legs. I want to stop....wanting and be happy w/ myself.
  • It doesn't matter if it's 10lbs or 2lbs they all count, and they all matter. Keep at it.
  • Wow you look great! Good work!:smile:
  • :noway: :flowerforyou: Some people let their mouths speak before their brain and don't realize what they're saying is hurtful. What you do is use that as motivation to get in shape. Show him and anyone else that they have no control over you. The only one who has control over your mind and body is you. Don't let the…
  • New here myself. I woke up I guess you could say and realized I was heading in the wrong direction weight wise. A friend told me about this site, it's nice to have a place where you can go and help/find support in getting healthy.
  • Fight the humm-drumms. You are in control of your thoughts don't let them control you. :bigsmile:
  • Right, this sight is not only to help people in their aim to get healthy but to have the support of others that are in that position. When someone says their goal is to basically be anorexic then we should be able to voice our opinion on the subject. There is nothing healthy about anorexia. Celebrities make people believe…
  • No one is judging, just want to support people and make sure they don't go from one unhealthy weight to another.
  • I agree! I see those and I'm thinking how is that healthy? That seems to me that they're going from one extreme to the other, over weight to Anorexic. I read one who wanted to be that skinny so she could go to school and be skinny. I was over weight in high school and of course I wanted to lose the extra weight, but for me…
  • Can definitely see the difference. You look great! Be proud and keep up the good work!:smile:
  • I don't know about other pills but I took Hydroxycut and it really worked great. I don't think I would have lost as much weight as I did without it. I use to scuff at pills because I thought that if you really put yourself in too it then you'd lose weight. I just wasn't losing so I had the chance to take them and it just…
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