

  • Thank you all. I appreciate it. Groups aren't exactly my thing. I've been to NA several times (not for meth) And in all honesty, it just seemed to me like a bunch of people *****ing about their problems. I have the Step Guide, if I choose to I'll work the steps on my own. But no meetings. My friend says he's going to try…
  • Candorgal thank you for the awesome link to your previous post! I bookmarked it! :D I'm definitely going to read up on glycogen. And you look absolutely AMAZING in those pics. I didn't look that good when I weighed 130. Everyone else thank you for your encouragement & support. To those of you who have lost weight…
  • that link will tell you how
  • lol its quite frusterating!
  • Thank you for the advice. And you are right. I have lost quite a bit of muscle mass. Um I'm not sure what TDEE is..... And actually my metabolism will slow down because this drug speeds it up to a ridiculous amount. On top of that since I'm used to practically starving myself because I have no appetite, when I start to eat…
  • awesome on losing 44 lbs. Thats quite the accomplishment! Don't fret about the little bit you've gained back. We all have minor setbacks when trying to accomplish any kind of goal. They motivate us to work harder and appreciate more.
  • Hi, sorry posted something irrelevant. I'm new so i didn't know I could make my own topic.....