TLHarwick Member


  • congrats!!! Celebrate every small accomplishment! I started in the same place, couldn't run a mile about a year ago, and now I am running 5-10 3x a week! Keep with it!
  • I make a lot of things in my cockpot and then I have one of the mini *kitten* that I bring to work to reheat/keep heated. Works really well! I also like SkinnyTaste - lots of great recipes there!
  • I recently got the videos, did Week 1 - but with my schedule and additional workouts, I haven't stuck to the plan like it says. I am actually thinking about starting the Pump/Combat hybrid program soon (Sat or Mon?)... I would love to chat about it! Trish
  • I grew up in W-S, went to undergrad at ECU (Greenville) and now live near Fayetteville (Cameron)
  • It could be your IT band.. are you running on uneven ground? I usually run on a track, but sometimes when I run in my neighborhood I have this issue - I narrowed it down to the IT band.. it was sore for a couple of days and then stopped... Hope it gets better for you soon.
  • I am admittedly a Fitness DVD junkie. Back when I started on my journey, I was a FT working Mom of 4 with a deployed spouse.. going to the gym was close to impossible. I have everything from Jillian Michaels to TaeBo to Les Mills Combat and Pump and they have all been great for different periods in my journey! Jillian…
  • I am 5'4 I started at 191bs, back in Jan 2012 - didn't take any measurements b/c that would have been too scary. Now I am 130 Bust - 34.75 Waist - 30.5 Hips 34.5 Trying to tone up and loose the last 5lbs....
  • I have done a lot of reading on this and those top bellies may be the result of diastasis recti (some information regarding is here: - a seperation of the abdominal muscles after pregnancy... you can tell if you suffer from easily.... They actually suggest NOT doing…
  • I have recently started using GymPact (app) which pays you to work out - although I have been having trouble making it keep my payment information in the system... so the jury is still out on that one! I have also found the EveryMove (app) which gives you points for activities towards discounts and freebies. I have earned…
  • Thanks! I was trying to log as a strength exercise. Guess I should have thought about that!
  • I use RunKeeper and love it I am Trish Dally Harwick (logged in through FB) It looks like it would only let me add people with email addresses?
  • I use RunKeeper and like it alot! RunKeeper also has several built in programs including a 1/2 marathon trainer... good luck! There are several for the iPhone if you search the app store.