gudgie21 Member


  • I am in the UK but we can also buy protein powder in the supermarket. Its good because you aren't approached by loads of sales people. I make mine with unsweetened almond milk (hardly any calories) and then throw in whatever fruit I have. Its actually quite a nice, filling breakfast and when I track it doesn't usually go…
  • Hi guys, I decided to start a blog when I began Insantiy as a bit of motivation so if anyone fancies a read its here...
  • Hi, I did cardio power and resistance last night and I am exhausted today! My boyfriend came home and found me in a heap on the living room floor having attempted moving push ups! I could barely get up the stairs afterwards. I'm feeling all motivated today though. I have taken delivery of my new HRM and some pretty new…
  • I think your right, I'll play it by ear and see how I feel later. Don't want to miss any workouts though, especially as I measured byself this morning and I have lost half an inch off each of my measurements after week one. Very happy!
  • Those graphs in the post above are great - must be so satisfying to look at. I can't wait until I can do some. I have a question for everyone - I am not feeling great, I think I might be getting a cold. I'm a bit achy (not in a post insanity way, more an ill way) and just feel really lethargic. Yesterday I drank the lemsip…
  • I hope to start felling an improvement soon. I have already even after nearly a week noticed that I am a bit stronger in my arms. Muy next step is to buy some better trainers otherwise I think the high impact workout will start to mess with my knees (my friend who is doing this has got shin splints from the high impact)…
  • Hi everyone. I'm on day 5 of my first week (this evening i'll be doing pure cardio) and thought that I would join MFP for a bit of moral support!! I'm achy and finding it tough because I am so unfit but I'm not considering flaking out yet (which I am very good at!) I've decided not to weigh myself until the end as people…