

  • I did Weight Watcher and at one meeting we covered this very topic. You have seen yourself in one way for so long that your mind thinks that your old body is normal. The new you doesn't look right to it. It will take time for your mind to convert to your new body. Weird but the mind is a powerful thing. You lost 2.5 lbs a…
  • Good question!!! I really don't know myself but if you take any medicine it usually takes 30 mins to take affect so wouldn't food be the same?? Years ago I remember it being said that if you eat a big breakfast and stay active all day then all or most of the calories are burnt off by evening. ??????
  • As long as you include it in with your "diet" as in count the fat, calories, carbs you should be good. Or if you excercise to burn it off after you count it then its like you didnt even have it.