i met shop at charles barkley at a krispy cream donut at midnight when i was 9 monhts pregnant and everyone in the store was really excited about seeing him and they were asking for his autograph so i asked him who he was and he told me and said he played basketball and i asked him if it was at uab(our local city college)…
i love pudding cups about 100 calories and they satisfy my sweets craving!
wellbutin and the nicotine mints are what finally did it for me!! and honestly it only takes a few days of craving before your over it so just go one hour at a time and before you know it ,it will be a week and you will see the cravings are manageable!!there are so many good reasons not to smoke(no cough,not smelling,…
there you go!!! you make total sense to me!! well put!!
i have a cousin that would love to have a "pen pal" if you have facebook you can add me and i will get yall together!!! my name is wendy broerman harris!! good luck to you
you go girl!! lookin fab!!
i was a big time smoker until last may when i finally quit! i used the gum and lozenges . you are past the worst part(the first couple days) and honestly it does get easier everyday.My husband smokes so that made it a little harder but i am soooooooooo glad i quit. i dont have to worry about smelling like cigs and the…